Born in Candelaria, Cuba, Jay Gonzalez migrated to Tampa, FL, in 1966 before moving to Passaic, NJ, in 1970. He developed an interest in the arts at an early age, practicing in a multitude of disciplines since then as poet, actor, filmmaker and cinematographer. Now retired, Gonzalez devotes his time to roaming and wandering natural and urban spaces in New Jersey, searching for birds and other wildlife with his lens.
Born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Ana Cecilia first moved to Mexico City at the age of 10, later migrating to Sweden and Spain where she spent great part of her adult life. In 2009, she moved to the United States where she married Jay Gonzalez. As she explored the natural parks of New Jersey, she fell in love with the wildlife inhabiting the state, inspiring her passion for capturing it with her camera.